To promote teamwork to support all swimmers achieve their full potential, reaching for the highest levels of County,  and Regional Competition. To improve fitness and stamina and focus on improving technique in all  areas.
 Squad Criteria:

13 Years and under (age as 31 December). 

County Qualifying time.


High level of commitment to training to achieve full potential.

Commitment to club gala's, when selected, and to competing at open meets and all competitive swimming and support of the club.

Swimmers are expected to attend a MINIMUM of 4 sessions per week building to 7 sessions per week as the swimmer advances.  Swimmers are encouraged to develop their strength and conditioning and supplement their land training at home.
Club, County, and Regional  if qualified. Arena league dates should be noted and other commitments avoided if possible. Other team league and trophy galas if selected should be attended if available. All  targeted open meets and qualifying meets and entry of events being targeted in consultation with Lead Coach.
 Equipment List:

1 x 1 litre of water/squash per hour of training.

Alignment kick board; Snorkel;  pull buoy;  training fins;  agility paddles; all in mesh kit bag.

Good quality Goggles plus spare pair.

Training hat plus CLUB hat for galas plus spare.

All kit to have your name on so lost property can be easily returned.

Training Days & Venues - choice from not all have to be attended

 Day  Time  Venue  Lead Coach
 Monday  8.00-9.00 pm  Harvey Hadden Helen
 Tuesday  7.45-8.45 pm   Ken Martin Helen
 Wednesday 8.00-9.30 pm  Ken Martin Helen
 Thursday  8.00-9.00 pm  Southglade Helen
 Sunday  7.00am - 9.00 am  University Pool Helen
 Sunday  4.45pm - 5.45pm pm

Harvey Hadden 

(50m LC)

